Wednesday, August 7, 2013
So What...

Goodbyes are tough..
I said goodbye to my Facebook page and it really was tough! After years of having one, checking it was such a habit. That's where my friends live & where I can get updates on all of their children I don't see often but I was so over the drama that came with it. Every time I got on there was someone complaining about their relationships, their money, their job, their children, their ingrown toe nails - SHUT UP! We all have these problems, well I've never had an ingrown toe nail but you get where I'm going with this... when did we all of the sudden have to post them for the world to know? You really want to tell everyone that your boyfriend is an ass and then the next day he's a saint? All you're really saying is that you're an idiot, plain & simple. I also noticed, I was always on it when I was bored. In the car, cooking dinner, while C is playing in the bath, at work, blah blah blah ... I wish I knew how much time I actually spent wasted when I could be focusing on more important things.
I am keeping my instagram and hopefully focus more on blogging. I have a tough time blogging because I am an overly honest person & I think if I really wrote my views on things it would be dangerous, so I'm still trying to find my place in this blogger world.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
10 Things
* As usual I went WAY over board with Victoria Secrets Semi Annual Sale, so bad that I had it shipped to work!
* I need to find some healthy recipes I can use my KitchenAid for- I feel guilty that I just had to have that $380 mixer and have only used it once.
* I am in a serious rut & want to change so many things. Normally spring/summer are my favorite but I haven't really gotten into the "mood" and it sucks buuuuut.....
* I leave for vacation in 25 days and I am very excited for that :)))
* Mom bladder SUCKS, I swear I can't even jump on the trampoline anymore without peeing myself.
* I am in charge of games for an upcoming baby shower- I don't know how this happened, I think games are the worst part of a baby shower.
* Me and J have switched rolls, I want to wait a little longer for a baby but he seems so freakin ready.
* I always have C in some type of activity but I think I may take a break for the summer. It's so nice to just play at home, yesterday we walked to the library and it was so fun.
* I haven't been couponing much and my bank account shows it, time to get back on track!
* I still have my Easter wreath on the door but I have no summer "inspiration" yet.
Monday, June 3, 2013
BzzAgent Update!
Happy Monday to me. I got another awesome BzzCampaign... SkinnyGirl Cocktails!
I love SkinnyGirl Margaritas but with this campaign I get to try Mojito, Moscato, White Cherry Vodka & Sweet N' Tart Grapefruit Margarita. I think I see a girls day/playdate in my future.
I have gotten some awesome campaigns lately. I currently have 2 others...
I have gotten some awesome campaigns lately. I currently have 2 others...
I have never used shoe inserts but I'll give it a shot, the freebie I got is for flats so I stuck them in my work shoes. They really do make a difference ... I LOVE them.
I almost didn't accept this one because the hub is really picky about what he uses on lawn but I'm glad I did because it works great & it's so freakin easy! You hook it to the hose and spray ... within a few days out plants grew and bloomed. We didn't plant anything new this year just our same ole' perennials but they honestly look amazing. We will be continuing to buy this.
I also just finished up with....
Got2b POWDER'ful- Really does add volume and helps if you trying to do a "bump-up" type thing. I used it on day old hair. It leaves your hair feeling kind of funny so it definitely has to be washed out.
Children's Claritin- C's allergies normally aren't too bad and the past year she was taking a prescription version of Zyrtec with low dosage because of her age. I accepted this campaign not thinking I would use it but ended up really happy to have it laying around. C takes it everyday & it really helps. I have bought 3 more boxes since the campaign ended. The best part is kids can use this at the age of 2.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
I have finally buckled down to lose weight, I want to get healthy before I get pregnant again. I joined the gym about 4 weeks ago & have been able to go 4-6 days a week for an hour of cardio and some weights. I am very anti scale, I think it really hurts people when the "over weigh" and get frustrated. So I don't weight & I don't measure ... I take occasional pictures. As long as I'm feeling good & my clothes are getting looser, I'm good! I was happy when I took an updated picture last night and saw a small difference & even happier when I went home and fit into a pair of pants I haven't worn since before C.
I haven't changed my eating :/ I love wine, chocolate & chipotle... small steps!
I am not a fan of my body, I'm hoping posting pictures will keep me on track!
My view
Week 1, Week2, Week 4
Week 2 & Week 4
Pre-K Graduation *tear*
My little girl seems like she grew up overnight, I'm still trying to figure out who have her permission to do this! She is the perfect combination of smart, sweet & sassy. When I hear the compassion in her voice when someone is sick or she is mothering her baby dolls I realize I'm not screwing up as much as I think. Me & J truly are raising an amazing little girl, the world better watch out. Last month I went to her pre-k graduation & it was so cute, they had a ceremony and performed a little skit of Noah's Ark. Justin couldn't get off the day of her graduation so we all played hookie a few days before and went to the National Harbor for the day. The day of her graduation her Granny took her out afterwards and once I got off work we went and got manis & pedis then Daddy took us to The Japanese Steak House for a special dinner. Fingers crossed this Little Miss will be going into kindergarten next year, she is so ready to get on that school bus *more tears*.
A Balloon & Flowers from Daddy since he couldn't be there.
Thankful Thursday
As usual I am thankful for my awesome family! I am also thankful for this weather letting us get outside & do more. We have had more park time, me & the hub went to an outdoor concert & the tiki bar a few weeks ago, we have a wine tasting scheduled & we my crazy girls took out their 1st dip in the pool.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
So what...

That its so freakin nice outside and I'm inside just working away---- NOT it sucks. That my house is a wreck, seriously haven't touched anything in 3 days That we have eaten out 2 nights in a row That I miss C's snuggles so much with her out of my bed all the time now that I sneak into hers That I sometimes give fake names at Starbucks just to keep them on their toes buuut by the time my coffee is ready I have forgotten my name of the day That I am like a kid in a candy store now that its grilling season, yummy food and less dishes- score!
Not so wordless Wednesday...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013
I don't keep up with much in the blogging world (I'm trying to get better), it takes me DAYS to figure out how to change the outline stuff. But I keep seeing people switching to Bloglovin because of something with Google+. I figured I should do the same, follow me....
Ten Things on Tuesday
I'm going to copy Nikki @ Wish Upon a Shooting Star
ten things on tuesday
- People say the hardest "job" is being a mom but that came natural to me, being a wife on the other hand, that's some hard shit. Please Lord give me patience.
- I am LOVING this weather, seriously can't get enough of it.
- Helping coach C's soccer team is more fun than I thought it would be.
- I really want a baby but keep putting it off for a "better" time.
- When I was balancing my check book over the weekend, I realized how much I money I spend at Starbucks... OHemGee
- C didn't get picked for the lotto to get into the local Charter School & it has now stressed me about her getting into kindergarten early. And the application I have to fill out is crazy.
- I am trying to ease up on the caffeine a tad bit, as I drink my iced coffee ;)
- I am super nervous for a Dr's apt I have tomorrow and another next week.
- Currently my BIL is staying with us during the week and I love him to death but I'm over it!
- I am happy to start blogging again, hopefully I can stick with & decide what I actually want to write about.
Happy Tuesday
Monday, April 8, 2013
To make this post simple, I SUCK AT CHARTING FERTILITY! It was nothing I was overly concerned about doing but I find it so interesting the amount of things that go into making a baby, everything has to be perfectly aligned. So I was very intrigued and wanted to know more about my body so I started reading into it. There was a lot of good info on BabyCenter.com along with free printable charts but I knew that I would forget about it so I found a good app ... thank goodness for the iPhone. The app I found is Kindara, it's free and AWESOME, very informative and dummy proof- as long as you remember to do it.
From what I read you should take your temperature first thing in the morning before ever getting out of bed. So I bought my self a cute pink thermometer (with baby girl vibes in it) and put it right on my nightstand. As you can see from my chart below, I go days without taking my temperature, always forget to mark when we have sex and never track my fluids.
I think for this coming cycle I will start putting the thermometer on top of my phone before I go to sleep since I have to turn my alarm off, I will hopefully remember.
I am currently tracking and hoping that I don't get pregnant but hopefully in the next few months I will be able to blog about Baby H.
Any good tips for remembering to chart??
Mingle Monday

Since having my IUD removed a few months ago, that time of the month has been AWFUL! Well not really that time but the 2 weeks before hand, the bloating is the worst. I have never had any period issues in the past and it's strange since my IUD was hormone free. I found this detox on Pinterest & another pinner said she uses it every month the week before her period so hopefully it works for me too.
60oz. of H2O
2 TBSP of lemon juice
1 TBSP of "sugar free" cranberry juice (this really doesn't exist but the organic has only natural sugar from the cranberries)
1 dandelion root tea bag
Drink this everyday for 7 days. I mixed mine when I got to work and stuck it in the fridge so I could drink it through out my work day. To me it tastes just like lemon water :)
Other pinners talked about losing around 5 pounds during the 7 days also, I'm not so worried about that but hoping it helps my 2 week sausage fingers.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
So What- Not really!!

So what that I thought it was Thursday until my phone reminded me to do this blog- dagger! So what the my day is CRAP and it just started... keep reading lol So what that my Keurig decided to stop working this morning So what that my car decided not to start this morning So what that I forgot my lunch on the counter, at least the dog will enjoy a mid day snack So what that my bra strap BROKE and my boobs are now being held together by a freakin paper-clip! Thanks a lot Victoria Secret So what that it's only 9:30am
Thursday, March 28, 2013
I'll keep it simple, today I'm thankful I woke up!
I'm thankful for my amazing husband kissing me on the forehead on his way out of the house, I'm thankful he works his ass off for his family.I'm thankful I had a little bit of time to snuggle my mini before getting up. Thankful we have water, heat, food, clothes! Thankful for the girls teachers who take care of them all day. Thankful I have a job to go to every morning & a home to go to every night.
To make this long ramble short- I'm thankful for everything we take for granted everyday.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
It's beginning to look a lot like EASTER!
Growing up Easter wasn't one of my favorite holidays but having kids Easter is awesome! I love watching them search for eggs and open each one with a burst of excitement. C thinks it's something like Christmas, she sat on the Easter Bunny's lap with a list of what she wants. Since her 1st Easter this is the only time she would sit his lap, I was so excited (I did bribe her with Build A Bear but whatever).
We have dyed some eggs (twice). We will be doing a lot over the weekend when M is home. Friday night we are also having a glow in the dark egg hunt and s'mores.
I have done a little decorating & made a new wreath.
I will post about this years baskets as soon as I put them together! Easter baskets are like Christmas stockings, I always buy too much.
And a little flash back photo, I miss my girls being so small....
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