Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Last week's recap

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! I most definitely did ... stayed home all day in my PJ's, cooked a yummy meal for my little family & decorated for Christmas! C decided she wanted to sleep over our neighbors so the hub was actually able to go Black Friday Shopping with me this year. He was a Black Friday Virgin & I can almost guarantee, he will never go again.

Dessert is of course my favorite part of Thanksgiving ....

I absolutely loved my long weekend home with my family, I even had time for some Christmas crafts with the little one. I am really happy with the way they both turned out.

Buddy the Elf has been back & C is the perfect age!! She wakes up everyday so excited to find him, her giggles 1st thing in the morning are great.

This weekend I plan on figuring out the Christmas craft that C will gift this year & making an Advent Calendar for the house. eeek I can't wait, only 3 more days of work.

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